Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Canada is part of the US (According to American Airlines)

Canada is now officially part of the US! I would like to congratulate it on becoming the real fifty-first state!

That's right, at least according to American Airlines.

When checking in to fly to Toronto for training, a sign on the AA desk clearly said '$25 for the first bag, domestic. First bag free on international flights.' You can imagine my surprise when they asked for my credit card to charge me for the bag. I suggested that Canada was another country, but didn't complain much (I'll get reimbursed by work).

Again, welcome all canadians, you're now American citizens (according to American Airlines).


Mary Schmitt said...

You know they only charged $15 on the card.

Kyle said...

Doesn't matter, it's the principle of the thing.

Ketra said...

And here we were so pleased with Hera's dual citizenship... I guess we're all Canadian now...