On April 16th, at 5:01PM, I'm burying myself.
To be more precise, not my physical self, and I'm having cron do the dirty work for me.
April 16th is my last day at Tootsie Roll Industries, where I am the linux sysadmin. One of the things sysadmins do is remove users.
I could leave it for the other sysadmin to do, once I'm gone, but there is something very appealing about removing myself. So at 5PM, the servers will all talk to Matt, instead of to me. At 5:01PM, a log will record all the permissions of all the accounts I have, and sweep all my files into a removed-users graveyard.
This is my way of cleaning my desk, and turning out the light once I'm gone.
I love being a linux syadmin, and I've loved working at this candy company, but now I'm off to smaller, and better, things.